- WADA: World Anti-Doping Agency https://www.wada-ama.
org/ - IOC: International Olympic Committee https://www.olympic.
org/the-ioc - EOC: European Olympic Committees http://www.
eurolympic.org/ - IPC: International Paralympic Committee https://www.
paralympic.org/ - WADA akkreditált laboratórium - Seibersdorf: https://www.
seibersdorf-laboratories.at/ - WADA akkreditál laboratórium - Köln: https://www.dshs-koeln.
de/english/university- facilities/scientific- institutions/institute-of- biochemistry/ - ITA: International Testing Agency http://ita.sport/
- CCES: Canadian Centre for Ethics in Sport https://cces.ca/
- IWF: International Weightlifting Federation https://www.iwf.
net/ - IAAF: International Association of Athletics Federations https://www.iaaf.org/home
- FINA: Federation Internationale De Natation http://www.fina.org/
- LEN: Ligue Européenne de Natation http://www2.len.eu/
- ICF: International Canoe Federation https://www.canoeicf.com/
- UEFA: Union of European Football Associations https://www.uefa.com/
- UIPM: Union Internationale De Pentathlon Moderne http://www.uipmworld.
org/ - IJF: International Judo Federation https://www.ijf.
org/ - FIE: International Fencing Federation http://fie.org/
- UWW: United World Wrestling https://
unitedworldwrestling.org/ - IHF: International Handball Federation http://www.ihf.
info/ - FEI: Federation Equestre Internationale https://www.
fei.org/ - Berlinger Special: https://www.berlinger.com/