There are no boundaries in the anti-doping community: Ágnes Tiszeker (CEO), Gergely Balázs Szabó (Legal Advisor) and Péter Nagy from HUNADO have met with colleagues from Slovak Anti-Doping Agency (SADA) in Bratislava (Pozsony) this week to discuss current regional anti-doping issues.

"Central European countries and NADOs have to stick together: we either swim together or sink separately. It has been a great opportunity to have fruitful conversations, sharing good practice/experience on the implementation of the new WADA Code and gain a deeper insight into the work of SADA, especially its truly unique education and social media program. We look forward to assisting each other in the field of testing, educating, assisting athletes residing either in Slovakia, or Hungary."
Ágnes TISZEKER, Gergely Balázs SZABÓ (HUNADO)
"The objectives of the Global Anti-Doping Program are the same for all anti-doping organisations. As the chief of the Slovak Anti-Doping Agency, I perceive differences in fundings of the NADOs, on the other hand, responsibilities are the same for everyone. Therefore, it is important to cooperate, to exchange experiences with other NADOs, which solve similar problems in terms of the implementation of Anti-Doping principles. Not everything requires money, sometimes it’s just a small piece of inspiration, and a lot may be different."