Magyar Antidopping Csoport

All about whereabouts

Dear Athletes,

Below you will find the most important information and rules that will help you to provide correct and complete whereabouts information.

HUNADO will differentiate between three levels of pools:

  • Registered Testing Pool (RTP);
  • Testing Pool (TP);
  • General Pool (GP).

The primary purpose of this distinction is to ensure that athletes are only required to provide whereabouts information to the extent necessary. For each level, the following information obligations apply:
Name of the pool Required whereabouts information Where to provide
whereabouts information
Upload frequency
Testing Pool

1. Regular activity
2. Competition calendar
3. Overnight address
4. Daily 60-minute time slot
ADAMS Quarterly; 15 days prior to each quarter
Testing Pool
1. Training activity
2. Competition calendar
3. Overnight address
4. Daily 60-minute time slot
ADAMS Quarterly; 15 days prior to each quarter
General Pool
1. Training activity
2. Competition calendar
Individually entered athletes ADAMS Quarterly; 15 days prior to each quarter
Selected teams* Via email:
Monthly; No later than 12:00 noon on the 25th day of the month preceding the month in question (CET)
* For federations whose teams are classified in the general group, HUNADO will provide written information on the details of the whereabouts obligation.

Important things to know:

I. The whereabouts information must be provided in sufficient detail (town, postcode, street, house number, floor, door, name on the doorbell, name of the sports facility, etc.) to enable the athlete to be located by anyone, whether in the country or abroad, without any difficulty and without having to call the athlete. It is important that the additional information in the comment box is also included in the whereabouts calendar, not only in the address book, because doping control officers only see the information in the whereabouts calendar!

A failure to identify the address (lack of exact building/staircase or apartment number) or a failure to contact you at the address provided (no or non-functioning doorbell, unidentifiable name on the intercom, etc.) constitutes a whereabouts failure. As international regulations allow the DCO to contact the athlete by telephone on the spot only in very specific circumstances, the comment "please call me by telephone" in the whereabouts information will not be accepted as validly provided complete whereabouts information.

Please always make sure that the bells are working. Given the unannounced nature of doping controls, it is not sufficient to provide a telephone number: as a general rule, doping control officers on the spot are not allowed to call the athlete by telephone.

II. Regular activity / Training activity

Different requirements apply to members of the HUNADO Registered Testing Pool (RTP) and the HUNADO Testing Pool (TP and General Pool). These are detailed below:

RTP: For members of the HUNADO Registered Testing Pool (RTP), the declaration of a regular activity may include any activity that are part of the athlete’s regular routine, preferably for each day of the quarter, during which the Athlete is available for Doping Control purposes. In the first instance, the preferred regular activity is training itself (time and place of training), but if, due to the specificity of the sport or other temporary reasons (e.g. injury, off-season, etc.), it is not possible to specify training temporarily, any other regular daily activity (time and place) may be specified. However, only activities where, in the Athlete's judgement, Doping Control can be conducted without hindrance. Such activities/locations could be, for example, physiotherapy, workplace, home strengthening, staying in a specific and identifiable location for any reason.

TP: In the case of members of the HUNADO Testing Pool (TP) and General Pool, the indication of regular training activity - preferably for all days of the quarter - according to the WADA standards (International Standard for Testing and Investigations) means only the indication of training sessions, with the time and exact location of the training sessions!
If, due to any temporary reasons (e.g. injury, off-season, etc.) it is not possible to provide training sessions, please write to us at (if possible with supporting documents) and indicate the fact, reason and estimated duration and also indicate it in the ADAMS comment field. For these periods, the daily 60 minutes time slot and overnight address must still be provided.  
In case of a mobile, non-specifically stationary training (orienteering, cycling, open water swimming, canoeing, etc.), please record the place and time of training where and when doping control officials can easily visit you (e.g. dressing room arrival and departure time). For those who usually train on the move, it is preferable to specify the fixed location of the training (e.g. strength training, gym, etc.).

III. The whereabouts information for a given quarter must always be uploaded to the ADAMS system by the 15th day of the month preceding the quarter, as described below, and the current period must be kept up to date (if the system does not allow changes to the data provided, please send an e-mail to
Period to be completed: Upload deadline:
January, February, March (Q1) December 15 of the previous year
April, May, June (Q2) March 15 of the current year
July, August, September (Q3) June 15 of the current year
October, November, December (Q4)  September 15 of the current year

The platform for the submission of whereabouts information is the ADAMS system operated by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), which has both a website and a phone application (Athlete Central) available.
Please note that the web interface (which can be opened from your phone's browser) is the primary supported interface for the ADAMS system. However, if for any reason it is not available, the phone application can be used.

If you have decided to use the phone app (Athlete Central), be sure to read our leaflet: IV. Legal consequences
Please be aware that failure to provide whereabouts information may lead to legal consequences, and we therefore ask you to pay particular attention to provide it accurately and up-to-date.
According to the national and international rules in force, the following failures to provide whereabouts information may be committed by the athlete:
  • the athlete cannot be located / is not available for the doping control officers at the place and time stated in his/her whereabouts information
  • failure to provide whereabouts information / failure to upload whereabouts information in time
  • providing incomplete / incorrect / insufficient / unidentifiable, etc. whereabouts information.

In the case of an RTP member, an athlete commits an anti-doping rule violation if he/she commits any of the above listed failures in any form at least three occasions within a 12-month period. In this case, the athlete shall be banned from participation in any competition organised by the competition system or otherwise included in the competition calendar of the sport federation or sport association, and from participation in any training or training camp organised by the sport federation or sport association for a period of at least 2 years. The ban may be reduced in exceptional cases, but in no case shall it be less than 1 year.
In the case of a TP member, an athlete commits a failure if he/she commits any of the above listed failures in any form on at least three occasions within a 12-month period. In this case, he/she will be transferred to the Registered Testing Pool (RTP) where he/she will be subject to the legal consequences applicable to the Registered Testing Pool.

Thanking you for your cooperation and wishing good luck with your sporting success,

Yours sincerely,
Hungarian National Anti-Doping Organization (HUNADO)